Monday, June 9, 2008

Charity's Views on our Need for Control

Below is a transcript of a conversation I had in 1995 with Charity, a Professor CIE, my spiritual instructor. We talked about the human need for control over everything. Sometimes she refers to her five Principles of Conduct for us humans, which she wishes we would follow. These were presented to me after we had discussed the Ten Commandments in the Bible, which she told me were Moses' necessary rules for the Israelites, but they were not written by The Creator for our use today. Since we humans seem to need a list of rules to follow, she offered these five Principles.

#1. Acknowledge the existence of an Essence in each human.

#2. Follow what your Essence says, negating Free Will (to mess up)

#3. Grow spiritually, not religiouswise.

#4. Impart your wisdom to others who have not grown as you have, spiritually.

#5. Speak unto others as you would have each Essence speak unto you.

Ralph: Just look at our society right now, the O.J. Simpson trial being a great example of society's mechanism for revenge gone wild, totally out of control, off in every direction that is irrelevant to the issue for which he was tried. You also have the “three strikes, you're out” law, which is bringing in such massive numbers of criminals to be incarcerated, they are overwhelming the courthouses and prisons. It's getting to the point of half the people being behind bars and the other half running the prisons.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: You can't run a society that way.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: That's the revenge mode being acted out.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: And combined with super protection from all harm by the government. We must lock up every bad guy because he might, two years from now, do something wrong.

Charity: Then if you continue to have them locked up and taken away from society, their Life Plans are not going to be acted out.

Ralph: Not only that, we also have legal principles that they must have all the rights they would have had outside the prison. They don't have to pay a nickel for it, take any personal responsibility for gaining their medical care, their education, food, or anything.

Charity: A case in point is your system being handled by or ruled by revenge. Once the revenge mode is taken away, there is no need for a justice system.

Ralph: The only need for a detention system, the prison system, is to keep the people out of circulation that are going wild and hurting everybody.

Charity: That is correct.

Ralph: That is a small portion of them, but that is a necessary group to restrict their movement.

Charity: That is a necessary responsibility of your culture.

Ralph: If that is all we dealt with, I don't think we'd have an economic problem.

Charity: No.

Ralph: It's a small enough segment for a temporary span of time.

Charity: That's correct.

Ralph: But it goes on far beyond that.

Charity: You have gone beyond the aspect of keeping and housing the dangerous individuals until they have succumbed or ceased.

Ralph: Yes. They won't even let them out when dying – they have one at CMC [California Men's Colony State Prison] who is totally bedfast with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which means his spinal cord is degenerated. He can't get out of bed. They won't let him go home and die in the midst of his family. He is sitting there in the prison hospital at CMC right now, and his family is begging for him to be released to their care.

Charity: So what is the mode or the reason that your population, the prison -- what justification can they offer of not letting this human be able to be with their family?

Ralph: The entire prison system has approved him going home, The judgment call is up to the judge at the committing court where he was sentenced, and that judge has refused. One man has said, “NO.” He sent him to prison, and he is going to stay in prison until the day he dies. That's it, there is no more explanation. Everybody who has evaluated the case in the prison system has said, “We don't need to spend all this money on his care here; we would rather have the family, who are willing and ready to, take care of him. Let him die in their bosoms” They are being very humane about it. The judge says, “No way. I've got control. He will stay right where he is.” I'm not talking logic, I'm talking power.

Charity: That makes no logic at all on that aspect.

Ralph: Except from the judge's point of view. We don't know why; the judge doesn't have to make any explanation. He just issues an order. In this case, he refuses to issue an order for release. I saw that myself, with this one multiple who was there, the same thing, with his sister willing to take him home to die of cancer. He died in the prison hospital. There were several I knew who died in the prison hospital.

[Here we switch subjects, as I bring up the third of the Ten Commandments, in Exodus 20:4-6. “You shall not make yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.”]

Ralph: Now we have the commandment that says God would punish them and their descendants.

Charity: The Creator has no feelings. Therefore how can The Creator hate? He cannot pass judgment. The Creator just loves, pure and simple.

Ralph: All I am saying is that you can understand this has been used for crowd control.

Charity: What it sounds to ourselves is that the human wanted to make sure that if they did not follow the rules that he brought to the human race, that this is what's going to happen. And they used The Creator as saying, “I will do this and this.”

Ralph: It's like the story of mothers at home telling little junior, “If you don't behave, Daddy will whip you when he gets home from work.” It's a powerful control mechanism. Alright, next it says, “You shall not take the name of he Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” [Exodus 20:7] Don't use Him for swear words.

Charity: We don't swear.

Ralph: It's saying to the people that people should not use His name for swearing, and the common one in conflict with this is when somebody says, “God damn you.” That means, “I want God to condemn you to some horrible fate because you have made me unhappy.” That's what “Goddamn you” comes from. It's a violation of this commandment.

Charity: First of all, The Creator does not, cannot, and will not punish any human being. He made human beings to be exactly what they are. And he gave the Essences unto them.

Ralph: This is just using His name as an insult.

Charity: The Lord seems to ourselves – we don't understand why they use the name “The Lord.” “The Lord” to ourselves does not mean anything. We don't even have a word that means anything close to that.

Ralph: Lord is master of any group.

Charity: Well, the Creator is not a master.

Ralph: Good point. That is what this implies, the master over a group, like the lord over servants.

Charity: Oh, no, the human beings are not servants. The human beings are still on this earth to live their lifetimes and to grow and to become Essences so they can take their places.

Ralph: The meaning I get out of this is like in politics, where you have a governor over a state, you have a president over the United States, and he has armies and police he can call on. He enforces the laws, and, if he tells you you have broken the law, he can hire these people to put you in jail.

Charity: Again, to ourselves, this is another rule that the humans have brought down and put down concerning if you use a swear word with The Creator's name in it, whatever The Creator's name might be.

Ralph: Yahweh was the most common one then.

Charity: Then, therefore, if you do that, it goes against what they want the humans to do, so therefore they put that rule in there.

[Here we switch to discussing Charity's Principles, noted above.]

Charity: We have “Follow what your Essence says, negating Free Will.” First of all, following No 1, which is “Acknowledge the existence of an Essence in each human,” makes following No. 2 more difficult.

Ralph: Would you explain that?

Charity: We would be happy to. First of all, the avenue of control that you humans need to have – by following No. 1, “Acknowledging,” you are stating that you know we are there.

Ralph: What you do about its existence is another question.

Charity: That's right. We are stating that No. 2, if you follow that part of you, it leads to us. The humans' problem is control; control means that you know all. There is northing else there. Correct?

Ralph: That's control.

Charity: Basically.

Ralph: There was that one expert who determined that man is here to control nature. And that is what our scientists preach. That is what the newspaper headlines say. ”We must control this disease.” “We must control the elements.”

Charity: That is correct; you humans have been indoctrinated with it.

Ralph: That is goodness, to control nature.

Charity: Just as the avenue, as the terms that you state, to control disease.

Ralph: The war against these things.

Charity: Whatever action, controlling the environment, controlling the weather, controlling death.

Ralph: Oh, yes.

Charity: That is the ultimate control that you human being wish to have. Correct?

Ralph: Correct.

Charity: You want to be – you as a human body do not want to cease to exist. Correct?

Ralph: That is a universal desire.

Charity: What is the term you humans have for it? Immortal?

Ralph: Immortal, yes, we would like to be immortal.

Charity: You are not going to be.

Ralph: The problem is that it is not a practical action since this body wears out and can't be immortal.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: So if we are talking about being immortal in this body, it gets frail, and diseased, and broken.

Charity: Correct, but all humans are trying to find an avenue to keep the physical shell well and not, as you state, growing old. It is the same and so forth.

Ralph: Like the man who came to Florida to find the Fountain of Eternal Youth. If you drink the water of Ponce de Leon, if you drink the water, you will stay young forever.

Charity: Correct, but that does not happen.

Ralph: They have tried to make it happen.

Charity: Yes, to make humans younger again. Why do you humans have that vain aspect? It's always controlling the whole avenue. What you humans have right now is a controlling attitude. You are in charge of yourselves. Therefore you are to be in charge of all things around you. Correct?

Ralph: One of my friends has a major problem with that. My wife came from a family with an alcoholic mother. He doesn't come from a family like that. There the adults don't have control of what goes on in the family They are out of control themselves. The child naturally wants control so chaos does not reign. If you are raised in that kind of home, where everyone is out of control, wanting control is understandable. But he did not have that. He had decent parents, as far as I know. So I don't know why the rest of us who don't have a bizarre home upbringing would want control.

Charity: The normal human experience.

Ralph: If you compare our child rearing practices with that which might have occurred in the American Indian tribes, if you were raised along with the medicine man who is teaching you about the CIE as he sees it, that's part of how you are raised, and you are in a relationship to them from the day you are born. You would have a very different attitude. You know you can't control them.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: You wouldn't be wearing yourself out.

Charity: But what is happening is that the humans who are now teaching the other humans – it is passing down further and further the control issue. When the humans ignore that avenue and the children ignore that avenue and their children do also, they realize there is something else.

Ralph: OK. The other thing is that the CIE don't exist in their knowledge. They lose control and chaos reigns, and that leaves a mess.

Charity: What we are saying is that you don't need to be concerned for yourself. You humans have chosen to have control in all matters, including our realm. And, by having control of our realm, you are therefore feigning chaos.

Ralph: Feigning?

Charity: In other words, coming close to chaos, skirting it, on the outskirts. You are taking over our responsibilities, our duties.

Ralph: And your duties lead to quite different behaviors than what we are thinking is moral and good and proper and American.

Charity: Right, correct. By following your Essence, you have already come to the first part of acknowledging something, but now you have to give up control.

Ralph: Horrors.

Charity: It is. As your friend knows, your friend was fighting. He was stating that he did not want that. He did not want to give up control.

Ralph: And yet, at the same time, we have so many people who have experienced when they came to a point where they couldn't maintain control, the CIE have snuck in, but they wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone about it.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: And they have their own stories where things opened up. Something just happened. A rescuer came by.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: A landslide occurred, or a monsoon hit, or whatever.

Charity: Correct. The CIE should not have to create avenues to show humans they are not in control. That's what listening and following what your Essence says.

Ralph: Now, to control hasn't always been important to humans. It hasn't been an important issue all the time we have been on earth. Back in the old days, when they started, they knew they couldn't control the animals and trees.

Charity: Of course, but when the Great Deception happened, that was when the avenue started.

Ralph: How? What kind of experiences taught that?

Charity: We don't understand.

Ralph: I'm just trying to see what we have to reverse. What kind of experiences did these humans have that would lead them to think they have to have control, when they had been doing quite well without it? What are we having to reverse that is basic? What elements of the Great Deception were related to teaching them to have to control nature?

Charity: First of all, the cities had to be build. So the first grand design is that they had control over the land.

Ralph: One of my friends in anthropology wrote a book on this, saying that when the hunter-gatherer tribes moved around, they didn't have control over the land or the weather or the animals. They worked with them and survived just like the tribes of animals did. The shaman was their spiritual leader and guide who went into his trances and related them to the members of the tribe.. In this one paper I heard, every time a tribe decide to set up on a fixed piece of land, they would put stakes in the ground to mark their territory, where they had sheep and built a hut.

Charity: They didn't need a shaman any more.

Ralph: One of the buildings they built was a church. Not by the shaman, because he didn't need it. He lived in his little hut. But somebody decided they needed a place to worship God and have all the people come there so the bishop could tell them how to behave.

Charity: That's correct.

Ralph: I heard this anthropologist report that he found that in each one of a number of different ancient books, he could find some mythological leader who taught them how to farm and tend cattle in their fenced areas, and the name of this teacher was always some variety of Jesus. This is not just the name of the one in Nazareth that died on the cross. And they saw that one as a sort of God-Man that came from the gods to teach them how to farm appropriately. I will never forget how he went through a number of books to find that out, from many different countries. It is not an Israeli invention.

Charity: Yes.

Ralph: He explained that with farming you have to control a piece of land and the weather.

Charity: You have to control land, forest, by building the houses.

Ralph: You have to control the water so it doesn't wash your house down the river.

Charity: Right.

Ralph: You have to keep the fences up.

Charity: You have to then start controlling nature and from there it builds.

Ralph: You have to have a roof over your head to keep the rain out.

Charity: You have to protect your property.

Ralph: And keep away the robbers who want to steal your cows.

Charity: Then start a massive stockpile of physical possessions and then start defending your physical possessions. And it therefore builds even further to the process that you then want to make it when children are going to be born, to make it when you are going to have a male species.

Ralph: Oh, yes, you want to control the sexes.

Charity: Right, then you change your physical appearance from a face of wisdom to a face of innocence, change the existence or to make your lives go longer, instead of passing away when you should.

Ralph: One emotional reason for wanting control is fear.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: How did the people before then avoid that fear? The people in the hunter-gatherer tribes, with the shaman? They were built the same way emotionally. They didn't fear what might happen if they didn't exert control.

Charity: Because they knew what there was there for them.

Ralph: They had the Nature Spirits to work with them.

Charity: Correct. They were in a cooperative effort. What has happened now is that the humans are on a singular basis. They are out for themselves as humans. Not for someone else. You are not together, but on your own.

Ralph: OK. There have been a number of studies among animals who operate in groups as to how they do in a test where they have choices. Do they look after themselves or do they look after somebody else who might then look after themselves? They have a number of these kinds of tests worked out to see about social behavior in animals. Most of the time, you find the animals are looking after the others as an instinct, that is built in. Because that is the way the group will survive. If you only look after yourself, everybody looks after themselves, and the group ceases to exist after a while.

Charity: That is one avenue of reason that we are here, to train you, to turn things around.

Ralph: What examples of that are you seeing?

Charity: On the avenue of the humans taking upon themselves to destroy a single race or culture because they don't like it.

Ralph: Ethnic cleansing they call it.

Charity: Changing the way the weather is by destroying the trees.

Ralph: They have done a lot of cutting down what they call the Rain Forests in Brazil and other areas which are massive interconnected systems.

Charity: And then you have the businesses that are for profit only and by doing a job of whatever they are building just to amass great amounts of monetary gains.

Ralph: You have a few building in Japan and Korea which fell down because the people cheated on the quality of the material, and these buildings couldn't stand up. They killed a lot of people.

Charity: Correct. And then you have the avenues of what you would call cults that state that the government is wrong; therefore they will denounce the government and do what they need to do to destroy the government, to make themselves stronger. Those are in some areas.

Ralph: We also have governments who are getting more and more control.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: With more and more things that they don't trust us people down here to deal with.

Charity: As with the Internet connections.

Ralph: We must not have those dirty pictures there. Watch that language there.

Charity: Correct. You also have the avenue of when they can tell you where you can live and where you cannot. Where you can do work and where you cannot. If you can leave or come back.

Ralph: How many children you can have.

Charity: Right. If you can live in whatever dwelling you can live in, that kind of avenue. You have many different kinds of controls that are building to a breaking point or strangulation.

Ralph: We have that in regulations of small businesses in the US. This is where one person goes out to start a business, in an office. There are many regulations to follow. There is more work in following the regulations than on conducting the business. That is where most of the jobs exist, in small businesses. If you make it hard on them, they might as well stay at home. You lose the businesses.

Charity:You also have the avenue of taking away our responsibility that has to do with the existence of the human physical self by extending their existence longer than what needs to be – to cure all diseases, to have basically what you humans are working towards, you would call a sterile environment.

Ralph: Oh, yes, we can't have any bacteria or viruses or fungus.

Charity: That will not happen, as you can tell. We are bringing about new strains of viruses and bacteria.

Ralph: But most of them are not harmful to the human body in the first place.

Charity: That is correct.

Ralph: If you take antibiotics, you kill them. Then you get a fungus infection because you don't have the bacteria in there, and the fungus takes over, and you are worse off.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: Now we are in a different era of jobs. The Industrial Era is being replace by the Information Era, with Bill Gates and the Internet being an example. They are not selling a “thing”. They are selling a capacity to interchange and share information. Which means you can live anywhere in the world nowadays. And now we are getting the governments interfering in that because they want to set limits.

[Here Charity withdraws and Faith, a Spiritual Guardian CIE, takes over the body. One of Faith's duties of finding the jobs for the 150 humans she looks after.]

Faith: They want to control.

Ralph: Right, you can't have those dirty pictures.

Faith: Correct. Then, as you see, you see how it is.

Ralph: Let me ask this. I am being here the Devil's Advocate. One German prosecutor said he is going to take the CompuServe service into the German court if they don't stop sending those dirty messages over CompuServe wires. CompuServe wiped them all out. Now what he is claiming is that he is protecting those poor German children from reading those nasty dirty messages. A lot of people see nothing wrong with that. That is what the government is there for, to protect the children from harm.

Faith: Why? You were stating about CompuServe and the German.

Ralph: The one German prosecutor who is protecting the children. If you have a child and have a computer, you can enter there and pick out these discussion groups that are using dirty sexy words. So therefore the government feels a responsibility to protect the children from harm. Also they might have people lurking on those bulletin boards who want to have messages sent to these children to meet them somewhere where they can sexually abuse them.

Faith: All right.

Ralph: These are bad people. So they are in the business of protecting innocent children. To do that they want to wipe out all communications of sexy things that go to children.

Faith: No.

Ralph: This is where we are faced this week.

Faith: No. The avenue is no.

Ralph: How is CompuServe to deal with such people? We have it in the paper here.

Faith: You do not need to protect. The children are going to the part of them to see it.

Ralph: How could you let that happen? How could you have these innocent little children see something that is sexy, that is so vulgar? I understand they don't see it as vulgar. The adults see it as vulgar.

Faith: Correct. This is the stereotype they make to the child. And the child therefore has become ingrained that it is wrong, so they are going to seek it out. Therefore it is a control issue, a bureaucrat telling people what they can or cannot do. Correct?

Ralph: So passing laws against exploiting children does not improve the quality of their future lives.

Faith: Correct.

Ralph: So of all the regulations, you would not be happy with many of them?

Faith: Yes, you could definitely say that.

Ralph: We thought we were protecting their health and safety. That sounds so nice. When they were closing down the government, I heard the Secretary of Labor on TV say, “We have to have our people out there to protect these people in the workplace.” Because otherwise, the employers would give them nasty chemicals to breathe, or they would have other major problems.

Faith: Unless it is part of their Live Plans

Ralph: But they have the right to a harmless work environment. You have probably heard that phrase.

Faith: Many times, yes.

Ralph: And you say they don't have the right to a harmless work environment?

Faith: Not if it is not part of their Life Plan, no. On this avenue, we think we answered your questions.

Ralph: I know, you would just like to put bureaucrats out of work. Then where will those people go to work? Maybe their Life Plans require that they have these jobs as bureaucrats.

Faith: No.

Ralph: You believe there is no room for bureaucrats under those conditions?

Faith: Correct. There are other positions they could have.

Ralph: Then you are going to have a lot of employment opportunities available

Faith: There is.

Ralph: What can an unemployed bureaucrat do? They are used to passing rules for other people's safety.

Faith: As you would state, there are the jobs of the people from the other workers.

Ralph: Oh, the field workers, stoop labor?

Faith: That's what you call it?

Ralph: They could do those jobs?

Faith: There are many jobs.

Ralph: An interesting shift would have to come about.

Faith: You could go out and do that, also.

Ralph: I did that as a kid.

Faith: You could also go out there and do that.

Ralph: I'm not sure my back would hold up.

Faith: We would have you reach up on the tree and pull down the fruit.

Ralph: That would be an interesting shift in the job roles.

Faith: Of course.

Ralph: Having the bureaucrats who are controlling the work environment working in the fields.

Faith: Of course.

Ralph: I don't think we will see it in my lifetime. OK, so the basic thing is that the jobs up here are not within this territory that we live in by our laws.

Faith: Yes. Again do not make laws and regulations. You have too many of them.

Ralph: We started out with the Ten Commandments as the first list of laws and regulations.

Faith: Of course.

Ralph: It was fine with that group.

Faith: With that group, correct.

Ralph: I don't think we had to get it more complicated.

Faith: If you remember, we have broken down the Ten Commandments into Five Principles. Correct? What is simpler than that?

Ralph: You are right. OK, Bye, bye.

[Faith then withdraws from the body and is replaced by Charity.]

Charity: Did she answer your questions?

Ralph: The major thing is to put no geographical limits on where the jobs are. They put all these regulations out to limit what you can do.

Charity: By following, as you can tell, your human existence comes in the way of controls.

Ralph: I don't know why I am peculiar, but I do know that, in my lifetime, I have always had the belief that Faith explained. It has just been innate. If you will just leave people alone to design their own job training programs and job creation programs, there is a job for everyone somewhere.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: And I have said that to myself, many many times.

Charity: We know. But you can also see there is the control aspect of human nature. Correct?

Ralph: I say this is because of the fear that something horrible will happen if they are not in charge.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: They don't have the faith that the people will do well by themselves.

Charity: This avenue of them taking control because of the fear that something won't come out correctly, what about the weather? There are still humans who are trying to control that avenue. But the earthquakes still come, the tornadoes still come, the floods still come, and what happens when those disasters happen, what happens to the humans' existence? Does it not change, become friends with each other?

Ralph: They rescue each other.

Charity: Correct, therefore the closer they are together.

Ralph: You are having to operate on the scene as it needs to be done, not by some rules set out. We are certainly getting a lot of that over in the Boston area.

Charity: Do you not enjoy snow?

Ralph: No, I don't. I've had my fill.

Charity: As you can see what happens with the human. To give the humans something that ties them together, and they feel important.

Ralph: In the paper this morning, there was one of those “good things that have happened because of the snow”. No murders for 70 hours or so; the criminals couldn't leave home and kill anybody. And the police went to work and had nothing to do. They got all their paperwork caught up on. Nobody was out there shooting. The minute the snow stopped, the shooting started again.

Charity: But did you notice how quiet it was?

Ralph: Oh, yes.

Charity:Did it not bring to mind what could be?

Ralph; Well, on a long term basis, what would happen? Actually , it is so much like when you are working in a prison on a weekend and nobody is around telling you what to do. Everybody is efficient, oriented towards getting a job done. So pleasant.

Charity: We don't want to give you too much.

Ralph: One of the major rules that messes it up is what I call the Fairness Doctrine. That means that everyone must be dealt with fairly, meaning equally to all people That is not part of your code.

Charity: No. Each human has to experience their Life Plan that they are set upon this time to experience. You humans want to change that.

Ralph: That is where our lawyer friends have been propounding that very vigorously, and they are getting control of the rules and regulations for all these things.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: Now maybe you can do something about the types of lawyers we get. Can you improve their spirituality?

Charity: No.

Ralph: Now come on, that would seem to be the most effective way to improve the system.

Charity: No, they don't have enough time and experiences to be able to improve them.

Ralph: They are not terribly advanced.

Charity: No.

Ralph: So they are in need of a lot of control.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: Now I have to deal with them at work.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: It's a challenge.

Charity: But you find it most satisfying and gratifying, now that we have been teaching yourself?

Ralph: I can get into the vision of what if so and so had this experience. People in positions of power and control. Their whole life has been devoted to more and more control.

Charity: The experience of ourselves telling the human beings that the control issue, once they have dropped that, that the humans would feel most uncomfortable. But they have also had the same kind of experience.

Ralph: Now, just looking at what would happen if one of those people in that position of power were to have this experience and become willing to change -- the problem I see right off the bat then is that the other people he's been controlling are not going to be changed, and he might fear he is going to be overwhelmed and controlled by them..

Charity: That is a human reaction. But you have to remember if they have listened to their Essences and have changed as you would state, then therefore that fear will not be there as they are practicing the Principles.

Ralph: It is just like when two sides have been at war and eventually one side decides we have to stop having a war, but they are evenly matched and either one can destroy the other one if somebody loses control. They have to be very careful, like in a chess game, who gives up first. Somebody has to move first, or they have to move at the same time.

Charity: You have to remember, as you state regarding two countries, you also have the two human beings who are in charge of those countries. If the one human being sees the other human being trusting and following and living by the Principles, then they will want to follow and live by the Principles. If they have the avenue of someone who is better than ourselves, then they will want to balance the matter of forces, so if you have one that is practicing, the other one is going to practice, since they don't want this human to be better than they are. By that avenue, of even coming that close, and going that way of starting the Principles, they are becoming indoctrinated. It is now a matter of habit.

Ralph: When you have leaders of countries with much at stake, and they are critical movers of what happens, people could die in large numbers if they make a mistake.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: And for them to be able to trust that other person as an equal to go along with this plan is the big issue. The ones we have had so far have had a mediator who goes back and forth between them – they won't even meet in the same room.

Charity: That is because the mediator is using the communication of the Essence. And once the plan has been worked out, the mediator disappears, and the Essences start talking,

Ralph: The one in Bosnia then retired and went off to his old job. He got the Bosnian leaders to work together, and so far they are still behaving themselves.

Charity: Correct. What is most important in No. 2 is to realize that there is something there. It has credentials, it has a duty statement, it has existed before, it has had many lives before, it brings its experiences besides our teaching to the physical self.

Ralph: I know that now, but you kept that hidden from me.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: Now, if you kept that hidden from me, should we keep that hidden from people we introduce it to now?

Charity: No.

Ralph: But why keep it hidden from me while you want to tell them all these things?

Charity: Your teaching was a growing aspect for yourself. You are what is known as the professor.

Ralph: You are the professor.

Charity: We know what ourselves is. But yourself is the professor. You need all knowledge. The only way that you are getting the knowledge is for ourselves to give you the piece of information that you need. And, as you state, the “ah ha” experience.

Ralph: It does seem peculiar that people seem eager to follow their Free Will.

Charity: Of course, it is a control mechanism.

Ralph: The trouble is when they do follow their Free Will, they make their lives harder for themselves, which isn't logical.

Charity: Correct, but time and time again, they have constantly done it that way. And our question or our response to it is “stop reacting.”

Ralph: This sort of shows a failure in the learning process.

Charity: As you would say, short circuited the response.

Ralph: I am saying that in conditioning a person, you have a stimulus and a response. Now, the first time you use the stimulus, the response leads them into a bad, bad painful situation. You would think logically that they wouldn't keep responding that way and getting that reaction. But humans seem to keep doing that.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: Freud called it repetition compulsion. In spite of the bad result, you keep doing it. You see the prisoners doing it all the time.

Charity: They feel comfortable as they know what the reaction is going to be.

Ralph: That's true. They know what to expect, even if it's miserable. They are happier knowing what they are going to get, rather then taking a chance on an unknown.

Charity: Correct. We were on item No. 2.

Ralph: Yes, well, what more could we say about that?

Charity: We are not finished with it.

Ralph: When you read it, it sounds very straightforward. “Follow what your Essence says, negating Free Will.” Now what could be simpler than that? I know the world hasn't done it.

Charity: As we said, Free Will is taking over what your Essence tells yourself.

Ralph: Now, as I understand it, as human moved into villages and farmed land, that's when control became an important issue.

Charity: Important.

Ralph: Because they had to control access to their land and had to control water to their crops and all of this was part of living.

Charity: Yes. There have been cultures who have changed that avenue, and they are not into control avenues. They are following what the CIE are saying and what their Essences say.

Ralph: But they are very small groups compared to the rest of the world.

Charity: That is correct.

Ralph: And you are expecting this to be the way the entire world runs? It seem to me it would be an extremely long range proposition.

Charity: Why? As we stated on the avenue of the Principles, you can see how the building blocks are associated. And the control issue is very important to overcome and to live your existence with No. 2.

Ralph: The whole thing is coming back around that we need to control, we have to control, we have got to control, it is essential we control.

Charity: Which avenue is true for your culture at this time. As that is what your generation has been primed for. But what has happened is that with the control issue, you need to control everything. The humans are seeing that they cannot do that. It does not work, it is futile.

Ralph: It would seem rather obvious with the discoveries of astronomy, what have you, with the new worlds being seen by the Hubble telescope and sending these little satellites out there. They are not controlling anything. They can't control. The spaceships can't control.

Charity: All avenues of this planet, even with your weathermen and when they track storms, they see that there is an intelligence that runs it. As when they are not interfered with, they can see that it has a deliberate course. And that it comes out of nowhere, goes somewhere, and they all can see the aftermath of what happened. The control issue needs to be destroyed. Those humans won't be able to control the Weather CIE. But it is still happening.

Ralph: There is no tool they have.

Charity: The earthquakes still happen.

Ralph: The only tool they have that would have enough power to force them into anything would be an atomic or hydrogen bomb.

Charity: Therefore it is destruction.

Ralph: True, but I'm saying that those are the only forces we have that have anything that comes anywhere near affecting those kinds of nature forces.

Charity: Those nature forces the humans can see, for example, the controls are not working. You also have the control on viruses and bacteria.

Ralph: We have many people working on that.

Charity: Most humans have known that they would be able to defeat many of the viruses and bacteria quite a long time ago, but they never did. The CIE bring about more and different strains. And the control regarding the viruses is in what you call Africa.

Ralph: Ebola.

Charity: That was there. It destroyed the humans that needed to, but all control did not work. It was there, and then it ceased.

Ralph: True.

Charity: The humans did nothing. There was no treatment, therefore there was no control.

Ralph: Now we have people who have had the HIV virus and little babies are born with it from their mother's blood stream, and suddenly it is disappearing after about two months of age. And the doctors want to find out what their biology is so they can give it to the patients and control it.

Charity: They won't.

Ralph: I don't think they will find much. Think of all the efforts they are going to put out and all the money they are going to spend trying.

Charity: We know.

Ralph: And we have all these other people who are living ten years with HIV and no physical illness.

Charity: And then there are those who have the virus but do not have the disease.

Ralph: Right, that's what I'm saying.

Charity: When they are ready, they no longer exist.

Ralph: No longer what?

Charity: They cease to exist. When they should not have ceased, per the doctors.

Ralph: I say, when it first came out, they said anyone who gets it can live maybe five years, then they are going to die from the illness. Now we have people like Magic Johnson out playing basketball and he has now had it for something like 10 years. He is a professional basketball player.

Charity: We also have humans that have the virus but do not have the disease, which they should be having.

Ralph: Right, and nobody can explain why those people are physically doing so well.

Charity: You have those avenues.

Ralph: That's true, you can't argue with the facts.

Charity: The whole avenue for humans to be able to practice and to live and exist with Principle No. 2, is to stay out of control. Do not practice Free Will.

Ralph: How about this latest bill that was signed into law today regarding the whole communications industry? It included the control of content which might upset little children because it is dirty. Of course they are not aware that the Essence can make them deaf, dumb and blind if it wants to. You do have that going on, don't you? To keep the little infants from that they can't handle. The Essence is there to monitor everything that comes into their view.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: And they can see a blur if it is something that isn't of interest to them.

Charity: Maybe they will not see it. Maybe they will see another thing.

Ralph: We were taught about that in Sex Education, when we were trying to teach that in school, and a doctor gave a talk, saying, “It is the adults; the kids can' t comprehend what it is all about.”

Charity: That's correct.

Ralph: No one is paying attention to them, of course. The adults are upset, and they think they can't let the kids get upset. We must protect them, control their environment. When you talk like that about these issues, then we are accused of going backwards into ancient history when we weren't doing these wonderful things for these children, and that's bad, to regress back to those days of dirt and guilt and sin. They were awful, because we are now much better. That is the kind of thinking. To propound something like this, that was only good when they lived in caves. As if anyone before twenty years ago was totally stupid, ignorant and evil. That is the current attitude these days.

[Here we switch subjects to who made up the Ten Commandments.]

Ralph: And you are telling me that Moses made those up by himself?

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: Well, I would say the CIE at that time needed them made up.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: So they made it appear as if this miracle occurred, and God must be behind it?

Charity: We have an avenue in favor of that. If The Book is correct, which it is not, when your human called Moses came down from the mountain with the tablets, then he broke them, correct? And therefore he had to make new ones. Did he make them? Or did he state that The Creator did?

Ralph: The Creator gave him the first ones.

Charity: But then he broke those.

Ralph: I presume he had to carve out new ones that he would believe are identical to the first ones.

Charity: How would Moses have remembered what the first ones were?

Ralph: His Essence memory was very good. That gave him a perfect chance to write in anything he wanted. And he had a responsibility to run the group of ragtag people who didn't know how to get along with each other.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: He had a strong need to set up some procedural rules.

Charity: Correct.

Ralph: He didn't have a parliament, he didn't have a police force, he didn't have any rules that they had agreed upon. Nobody elected him leader and gave him authority over them.

Charity: Yes.

Ralph: And the only authority they recognized was their God.

Charity: Right.

Ralph: So you will have to admit he was pretty smart.

Charity: And by using that power, he was able to develop the social controls that are in process now.

Ralph: Let me ask you, in the Internet, are you going to let them pass the censorship proposal or are we going to have the ACLU win their battle? We have all this need to protect the children.

Charity: And control.

Ralph: You have to exert control if you are going to protect the children. That's a good reason for control.

Charity: No, it isn't.

Ralph: That's what they have done. They have spent a lot of effort at it.

Charity: Of course.

Ralph: You wouldn't want these sexy comments coming on your computer that your four-year-old might read sometime. You understand that they are much more concerned about sexy things than about violent things. Which is a paradox.

Charity: Why is that?

Ralph: Why is that? You have got to wipe out sex and violence. Why is sex such a horrible thing? Violence I can see. Sex is creative, violence is destructive.

Charity: That's where you humans have contradiction of what you state.

Ralph: That doesn't make any sense.

Charity: No.

Ralph: Well, I'm just looking for the future, you know. We are at No. 4.

Charity: “Impart your wisdom to others who have not grown as you have, spiritually.”

Ralph: Now there is something I keep forgetting. Some of this wisdom has to be one-on-one, and some of the wisdom can be general to groups.

Charity: Yes.

Ralph: I keep forgetting with us talking about all of it with each other here, you know. I keep forgetting which is which, what subjects can be given in seminars where you don't know the individual level of the people and which has to be restricted to those you know can handle it.

Charity: Basically, that there is an Essence here and different avenues of contacting what's there. The basic structure and outline. Then when it comes to doing it and contacting it and knowing when you have it, that is a one-to-one situation.

Ralph: What about the identity of what it is?

Charity: What do you mean?

Ralph: Well, reincarnation.

Charity: That is all the avenue of general knowledge for all.

Ralph: That is when people started walking out of the meeting in Orlando. I just mentioned the word and off they went. I didn't mean to insult anybody. We can't just go around cubby-holing it, but that's still a loaded word in this society. You are a kook if you believe in that.

Charity: Once it has been explained, that it has run everything, there will be no fear. It is very important that humans don't want to be controlled, and that is what they would see their Essence as, as a controlling avenue. A controlling entity. Humans don't want to give up control. Humans want control.

Ralph: That is certainly true. But we have never had much concept that there is a control by a non-human source. The control we want to avoid is by other people who are in a power position over us – governors, military people, people like that. That's an understandable fear, to have people controlling us. We don't have any concept that I can think of of a non-human controlling us, and I think of you doing your little trips on me, even that is certainly controlling me, like when I control my car when I drive it. I know which buttons to push to get it to go where and do what.

Charity: We know which buttons to push in you humans.

Ralph: I understand.

Charity: But you also have the Free Will to not listen to your buttons being pushed. Until you have had too much.

Ralph: Well, the thing is the purpose of pushing the buttons is to get me where I'll do better. It is not a punitive thing; it is not anything that causes me any problem.

Charity: It does not cause you harm.

Ralph: Because then we are getting into the control issue.

Charity: Humans have a very interesting avenue regarding control. We control all that you humans do. But you humans choose somehow, with your own emotional part of yourself, your own Free Will, you try to ignore what we are doing. We still have our ways. We still get our ways.

Ralph: I know that. I've seen enough evidence of it.

Charity: But the process is for you humans to continue to fight. Continue to use Free Will because that is what makes yourself happy. Continue to do it. We will continue to have our way. So why fight?

Ralph: You told me one time that all the Weather CIE are in charge of the weather. We have the environmentalist people who are all worried about the damage people are doing to the physical environment around the world, like the ozone layer we have to protect us from noxious radiations.

Charity: But the humans think that.

Ralph: That's what they are saying. They take their measurements and think there is a hole up there, and it is getting bigger, and they are blaming certain chemicals we make for doing that. I take it you weren't terribly concerned about that. Why not?

Charity: Why?

Ralph: We were very concerned and wiped out all those chemicals that were used in refrigerators, as they were making a hole in the ozone layer.

Charity: Because the humans assume certain avenues are inappropriate. They are human concerns in avenues in our realm.

Ralph: I'm just pointing out that these are people who are very concerned that you keep control of your realm, but they don't want the humans to ruin it.

Charity: What do you mean?

Ralph: They are saying that humans, by their scientific engineering, are making the machinery you use faulty. Should we or should we not make those fluorocarbons, as they call them, that are allegedly making this big hole and destroying the ozone? That is a very important question.

Charity: Again the scientific measurement that you humans have is a scientific measurement, but it does not equate in our realm. You humans think that you have to control the whole aspect. You don't need to. We are here.

Ralph: Well, I'm not asking, this is one thing the environmentalists are very busy trying to help the Weather CIE, if they knew the Weather CIE existed. So we don't poison the atmosphere by putting all kinds of bad chemicals into the air that make it difficult for rain to be as nourishing as it is. It sounds good.

Charity: Has it every stopped?

Ralph: Acid rain is the kind of thing they worry about. It comes down and poisons the ground.

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