To get Charity’s views on the importance of the Ten Commandments in our Holy Bible, I went through them, one by one, and she gave me information about how the CIE and The Creator thought of each one of them. According to my understanding, they were sent by God, through Moses, to the Israelites who were leaving Egypt for Israel. I am no Biblical scholar, so all I could use was what I had gathered as the son of a Presbyterian preacher in my day-by-day living experiences. Here is a sample of one of my discussions with Charity on one of those commandments.
Ralph: One of the Ten Commandments is “You shall not commit adultery”.
Charity: What is adultery?
This was surprising to me, to have Charity not know the meaning of adultery! I explained that it is when a married person has sexual intercourse with someone besides their mate, while they are still married to their mate. I also mentioned that this is the most clear cut definition, but some marital counselors include less intimate definitions as well, such as meeting and talking over meals, e-mail correspondence of personal problems, and other such personal interactions.
Charity: Why would The Creator be concerned about the human’s personal life? The Creator wishes for you to listen to your Essence, grow and learn, so that when it comes time for you to move forward, you can. The Creator does not care about such personal behavior. If we understand this correctly, this is a moral judgment that the human population has set upon the human population. We don’t, in our realm [Thoughtspace] have bodies, so why would we be concerned about adultery? Why would we be concerned on that type of avenue? It makes no sense.
I then disagreed, with the mention of someone we both knew who had been in and out of other men’s beds while married to her husband. I stated that such behavior was a moral sin, and in violation of this code. I felt it to be an important principle in our society. Thus it should be of concern to the CIE.
Charity: The human population considers that as something that is not acceptable.
Ralph: If you didn’t have something like that which people agreed upon, then families would be disintegrating and children would be having no parents at home.
Charity: But families are disintegrating without that rule.
Ralph: I’m not debating that people are not breaking this rule every single day, and have been for years. I’m just saying that it is still a good theoretical rule for a society to follow.
Charity: Yes, for a society, yes. But in our realm, in our space, no.
Ralph: It may not apply to you and your associates, correct, but aren’t you involved in what we do?
Charity: Of course.
Ralph: If we did adultery without limitation, your job would be a lot more difficult.
Charity: How would it be more difficult? You don’t know what we do all the time.
Ralph: Then you would have so many other people involved with strong emotional ties.
Charity: Not necessarily.
Ralph: You have to realize that in those days [of Moses’s time], they had no contraceptives, no birth control. So they would have babies who do not have parents taking responsibility for them. You would have babies without a family. I think that is an important issue here. Who’s going to raise them?
Charity: The same ones who are raising them now.
Ralph: That makes for a chaotic culture.
Charity: For the human population, that is another rule that the population at that time laid down as “law”, stating it was from The Creator, and therefore humans have to follow it. It is a very good rule. But for ourselves, we are not going to dictate to the human population that they should not do that. What we are concerned about is the matter of destruction of the Essence.
This is the major point which Charity made to me time and again. There are good rules which any organized society needs to follow for its own benefit. But these rules are not laid down by The Creator. They are laid down by the leaders of that community. In this case, Moses had a bunch of undisciplined Jews following him to a new homeland. Only he had been raised in the home of their leader, the Pharaoh of Egypt. Only he knew the rules of conduct in a civilized group of that time and place. He had to instill order in his group of misbehaving freed slaves. The best way to do that was to use their belief in a judgmental and punitive God on High who laid down the rules and could punish those who disobeyed them. So Moses, helped by the CIE, used their God as a bully boy to proclaim the rules of conduct, as he had no other way to do it. He didn’t have a constitution and bylaws to enforce, no police department to arrest miscreants, nor jails in which to incarcerate offenders.
I continued to debate with Charity the CIE’s involvement in enforcing such human-made rules of conduct.
Ralph: Since you are not in a position to act like a human as you are without a body, and you cannot have sexual activity, you can’t scratch your nose, you can’t put on shoes, OK, I understand that. But this commandment is for those people who do put on shoes, can scratch their noses and have sex. Now why wouldn’t it be proper for you CIE to do whatever you could to encourage humans to follow that kind of a rule? It would seem to be in their best interests to follow this kind of a rule. Why wouldn’t you want them to?
Charity: When we don’t even know what the term “adultery” is, how can we expect to keep the human population from doing it?
Ralph: I thought you had all those dictionaries stashed away there. You could look it up.
Charity: We have some, we have lots. But some we deem not important enough to put into our database.
Ralph: This fits into the area of sexual morality. Just because you don’t have any sexual activity, you don’t have any issues with it?
Charity: Right. All humans have their Essences. Your Essence can choose to negate a pregnancy, stop it from ever happening. We don’t judge the human population. That is not our avenue. We try to make sure that the humans are listening to us and doing what they need to do for spiritual advancement. If adultery is not going to help the human advance, then of course we would be concerned.
Ralph: And the Essence would be warning them not to do it?
Charity: Yes.
Ralph: But you would consider there would be times and situations where adultery would be spiritually improving?
Charity: Correct.
Ralph: In those conditions, you would not be warning them to stop?
Charity: Correct.
Ralph: That gets into the issue of rules versus a situational judgment of that person in that time and their place. And rules don’t allow for that.
Charity: You have to remember that each human population, and each human in that population, is different in their spiritual development. So what we say for you, for instance, is entirely different from what it would be for another human.
Ralph: I understand that.
Charity: And we cannot blanket a response on this avenue by quoting a general rule because there is no general rule.
Ralph: I understand your general principle, and I agree with you. But I’m trying to point out that it would seem to me an issue you would want to spread among human groups that they are not to hop in and out of other adult’s beds, get themselves shot by jealous husbands, or break up marriages. It would seem to me you would have an interest in stopping those kinds of destructive activities.
Charity: The Essences control their charges.
Ralph: So you don’t need any blanket condemnation like we have here. You wouldn’t take that tack anyhow. You pass the instructions down to the Essences on how to handle the individuals when they are tempted.
Charity: Correct.
This is about as clear an explanation of the point of view taken by the CIE, who inhabit Thoughtspace, where they have no emotion, no bodies, no sexual desires, and no rules. They are used to making decisions on the basis of the situational facts at the time, who is doing what with whom in what setting. Is it for their spiritual improvement or not? If not, the CIE can stop the action immediately. Certainly, there will be a karmic debt to pay if someone gets hurt in the process.
But the CIE, and the Creator, according to Charity, do not have a blanket set of rules they expect all humans to abide by. Charity told me over and over again, “There are no rules in Thoughtspace.” All of the rules said by religious leaders to be from God were invented by the bishops of those religions, as a means for controlling the behavior of their parishioners. The Creator has His way of influencing each and every human by communicating at the moment to the CIE, who communicate to the Essence, who tries to influence the Personality in Physicalspace. The Creator and the CIE have the power to strike us dead on the spot, if they see no better option. They seldom do, but they can. Usually, they see the current problem situation as a teaching opportunity, a time for trial and error. If we don’t make any errors, we can’t learn anything.
Elsewhere, I have written about the two ways of dealing with new problems. One way is the Situational Ethics Way. The other is the Legal Ethics Way. The Situational Ethics Way is what is always used by The Creator, the CIE and the Essences. They look at the current situation and try to figure out what is the best way to achieve a win/win solution. They ignore what happened yesterday to anyone involved, as now is now. Creativity is favored over tradition. In each human, this is the way of the Essence, as it does not involve emotions. Remember, the Essence is not capable of having or displaying any emotion.
The Legal Ethics Way, however, is favored by the Personality, which does have emotions. The Personality feels much better to have a written rule to follow for each and every new situation. Churches are great for providing such lists of rules, as is the criminal law. In the military forces, they are the Rules of Engagement. We feel safe if we follow a rule, even if everyone suffers as a result. We are looking for a win/lose answer to the current problem, where we are the winner and our opponent is the loser. That makes us feel good, to exercise our power over those “bad guys” out there, who are evil and so different from us. We want “justice” even though it looks like “revenge” to the other guys.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
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